When we found out Kurt was moving immediately and we weren't...
I said, let's move into an apartment and save a boatload of money!!!
and so we did,
and so we are...
next month or in just a short 3 weeks,
maybe, that's why I'm having troubles sleeping, like right now, it's only 4:37 am
and my mind won't relax, there is so much to do between here and there,
I should just get up and do it, but I don't, I lay here and try my hardest to sleep...
I'm excited to move,
we will take just a few things and put the rest of the stuff into storage,
and by a few things I mean a few things,
cuz the apartments is s.m.a.l.l.
I knew when we moved away from this house anything we move into would seem smaller,
cuz this house is big and we've gotten so spoiled but,
I really had to breathe big deep breathes cuz 1433 sq. feet is a little bit smaller than the 3400 we are use too,
there are so many advantage, that it will be worth it and kind-of fun,
I'll update those advantages later.
Apparently, signing up for a 6 month lease is very serious business,
you almost have to sign over any unborn children and do paperwork...
oh, the paperwork,
I hate it, thank goodness Kurt was here to do it all last week!
I even had to take a picture of Sadie and e-mail it over,
I guess to show them that we aren't lying that she really is a
cock-a-poo instead of a cujo!?!