
Wednesday, December 15, 2010


this little basket of gifts was dropped off at my home,
and was waiting for me when I walked in the door,
with a cute little note that read.....
How fun is that!!!!
I seriously about pee'd my pants with the thought of getting to open a gift for
10 days in a row!
10 days people, how exciting is that!
What other mom gets to do that???
I never have!
10......10 gifts of love....

thank you Amy and Shona!
sweet. sweeter. sweetest.



Unknown said...

That is cool! Let me know what the presents are! Maybe I'll try that next year! What a cute idea!

Jean said...

Inquiring minds want to know if there are maids-a-milking and calling birds and such.
What a fun gift and no, absolutely no peeking!!!