
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

# 72

I love the guys in my life. I love them for different reasons.... Spencer has started tackle football for the first time this year, being in Texas and being football, Spencer is playing with some of the best of the best, this isn't your mama's football.....this is Texas FOOTBALL !!!
Today Spencer did the hardest and bravest thing I have ever seen him do up to this point in his life, the decision he made tonight will set the tone for the rest of his life, he will be able to look back and grow from this. I'm not going to go into detail of the events of today b/c I won't be able to fully express in writting the emotions and the seriousness of it, without it sounding so corny! and I guess it probably is unless you were in my shoe's today (which I'm glad you weren't b/c they were just my dumb flip-flops!) but I am humbled to tears as I watch my 9 year old son conquer his world!
**So school started today!!! Which everyone else is so excited! Not me !! School means tight schedules and having to be at two different places at the same time! Last year we actually had to be three different places at the same time and that happened on more than one ocassion, and that can get pretty tricky when their is four kids and only two parents, life was so simple and sweet when the kids where little! Spencer and Lynzie were so excited to start school, Candice and Caitlyn not so much, altho, Candice loves the freedom of high school and Caitlyn said there were "hotties" everywhere she looked!!! I never cried when my kids started kindergarten, it was such an exciting time in there little lives, kindergarten and going to school is something they wait there whole lifes to do; so when that day comes it's exciting, I always get excited for there excitment, so needless to say, I never cry on the first day of school, I do remember when Lynzie went it was the first time I was home alone and I walked around aimlessly, I didn't know what to do with myself, it was a strange feeling! But with Spencer playing football, my emotions have caught up with me. It's very emotional for me to watch him play on so many different levels. He is an amazing little man! I love him for many reasons.... one is his funny personality and the other, that I can add to my list, is what he accomplished tonight !!!!


Jean said...

This blog is a teaser about what Spencer did.

I like the younger children going to school because they are smart and eager for new experiences and learning. Their social life with new friends is so fun for them. I feel they are safe. I have felt concern and have been anxious about the older grandchildren. Jr. High and High School can be rough and challenging in many ways. I've worried about Rylee and Mason starting in new schools. (I shouldn't because they have a strong support group). I remember feeing concerned and anxious about Madison going away all alone. I have felt that way this summer about Lauren. I have all of the families names in the temple.

Tonight I've noticed that I am feeling a little more at ease. I guess because day one is over. I know they are being watched over.

Jenae said...

I loved reading this post and the way you expressed yourself.

Lowry said...

I found your blogs today and read them for the fist time. I really enjoyed every thing you wrote about. Sometimes it is better to read than just talk on the phone. Enjoyed the pictures. Love you guys, love gramp Lowry