
Sunday, May 02, 2010

Court of Honor

"Tender Foot"

*look who is almost taller than his mother...
good corn, he's only 11!!!


Jean said...

Good corn is right. But, what a handsome young man.

Lowry said...

He is doing great for 11. Good being a scout. lots of fun things to learn. Proud of you Spencer. Keep doing great. love ya all, Lowry

Diane said...

Hey Spencer,

Congratulations on the Court of Honor. My goodness you are growing very tall! And so handsome.....way to go!
Love ya, Aunt Diane

Liz said...

Keep ona Scoutin'
Keep ona Learnin'
Keep ona Truckin'
and definately....
Keep ona Growin'

Yeaaa, Spence!!! Great Job!