
Monday, February 02, 2009

Puncitony Phil

I love Ground Hog Day for one reason and one reason only.....
A few years ago,
when Lynzie was in kindergarten
they talked about ground hog day,
they studied ground hog day,
they were prepared for ground hog day,
to see if puncitony phil would see his shadow or not!
it was big...real big!!!
Lynzie was excited!!! the big day had arrived!
Would he or would he not?
oh, the anticipation...
it was better than Christmas...
she got up early and RAN to the window
she was looking for Puncitony...
where was he? where could he be!
He would be popping his head out right out her window, right?
and when he did, she would be ready!
this was a big decision....alot was riding on this event,
and Lynzie knew it.....
she understood the seriousness of the situation
she was going to help in anyway she could!
That's why I love Ground Hog Day
I still remember the excitment of
one little 5 year old girl!


Lowry said...

Boy we don't have to wonder about ground hog day this year, because the dog can't get out of his hole through the snow. Love Dad Lowry

Unknown said...

Oh my, this is Macall! He was completely fascinated with groundhog day this year! So cute!