
Monday, February 09, 2009


What did we ever do before we started to
I've been thinking about it lately...
especially yesterday
when I make Valentines cookies from a fellow blogger
who shared a recipe on her blog...
and then
I read my friends blog who was thinking along the same lines...
you can learn alot from reading and sharing information on a blog!
I've learned so many things...
almost too many to list,
I feel grateful for knowing some of the incredible women who blog and share there knowledge.
(now, I am really grateful for blogging....
I found the Marchbanks!)


Jenae said...

It feels like connecting with friends when reading the blogs that I frequent. It's fun to see what interesting things people are doing, like you and your cookie making. Next time, a picture? You Domestic Diva, you.

Jenae said...

Thank you for the lovely Valentine card. It more than makes up for not seeing the cookies.

julie said...

i would of posted a picture but i ate them too fast!

chrissy said...

i had a lot more free time before blogs, that's for sure! but it's a hobby i think i'll stick with for a long time. i've broken out of my "shy" shell, so blogging kinda lets me be more social during the day while i'm stuck at home with the kids, you know?