
Monday, September 09, 2013

the new....

our house...

On Saturday Candice and Tyler brought over there new 4 month old pugle....
which is a pug and a beagle mix.
it was fun for Sadie and Zaylee to run around and play together.
we all just sat around and laughed at their cuteness.
I texted Cj to bring her back over today so that Spencer could met Zaylee,
she is a really cute pup with a lot of energy just like 4 month old little baby pup are.
So today,
Sadie being 4 years old (and being sush the older and wiser/lazier dog) is over Zaylee.... 
she just looks at her like "why are running around you crazy dog?"
 I laugh cuz I remember when Sadie was a crazy baby dog...
I guess Zaylee is our new grand-dog!!!

Tyler's house...

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Spencer's 15th...

Happy Birthday
 to my birthday boy who keeps reminding us every chance he gets,
 that he can get his Learner's Permit.... 
and who asked us every chance he gets if he can drive around the neighborhood, 
which we mostly oblige him because it's just one of those fun things to do, and he needs the practice and it makes him feel like a million dollars!!!
(you remember that feeling!?!)
Yesterday, we took him to his favorite sushi restaurant,
today, we took him to Flaming Gorge, were he fished and cliffed jumped, he swore it was like 40 feet......BUT.....?
Tomorrow, we'll get to go to Seven Peaks Water park.
What a nice birthday to have it on a long weekend!
Happy Birthday Big Boy!
We love you...

(not included in picture...
Cj just left to go home, and Caitlyn is so sunburned that she went to bed, plus she gets to work tomorrow!)